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805 N. Dallas
Lamesa, Texas 79331


Lamesa, Texas 24 hour fitness center.  806-872-3488



Text: Fit to 806-304-0310

You can also call 806-304-0310 (24 hours a day) with any questions.

Jae Fitness strives to offer a clean, friendly, safe workout environment.  Visit Jae Fitness in Lamesa, Texas for the highest quality personal fitness training and conditioning.  We offer personalized fitness options 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to coincide with your needs.

At Jae Fitness, we deliver top-notch personal fitness services tailored to your specific needs. With us, exercise has never been so convenient.  Our 24 hour co-ed operation provides you with a high quality facility that will serve all of your needs.  As a further accommodation, our state-of-the-art cardio machines have 24 hour direct TV channel lineup for those fat burning cardio sessions!