Re-opening 5-18-2020
Jason Anzaldua
We are excited to re-open Jae Fitness. The following guidelines will be in place upon the initial stage:
Gloves- Members will be required to wear gloves that cover their entire hand. If you don’t have a pair, we will have disposable ones available for you for temporary use.
Masks – members are not required to wear masks while working out, but it is recommended. We know that COVID-19 is passed through droplets in your breath and especially when breathing heavy you are certainly sharing those droplets with those around you. If you need a mask, they will be available to purchase at our cost for $1.
Alternate days for certain equipment – we realize that staying 6 ft. apart is difficult in a facility the size of Jae Fitness, so blocking off alternating pieces of cardio equipment will be our solution to that.
Hand sanitizing stations are available in the front and back of the gym. We will continue to adapt the best way to keep our staff and members safe, providing the clean/safe environment that we all want.
Group Fitness- We will be limiting the number of occupants in the group fitness area to 6 people ( including instructor) to comply with the 25% occupancy requirement. The current classes that have been live streamed will continue. Once we have reached the 50% stage, the numbers will be adjusted accordingly.
Total occupancy: We are not going to require you to sign up for a time slot. After evaluating past attendance, we don’t see that it will be necessary. We will have staff members tracking occupancy to comply with the 25% standard and may implement this at the high traffic times. Once we reach the 50% occupancy stage, this will not be an issue. Please be mindful of this current standard. The group fitness area will remain open during staffed hours to accommodate occupancy requirements.
We hope that you’ve had the chance to take advantage of the live classes and pre-recorded options on our website. As we hear discussions and get closer to a current understanding of what will be required on the government level, we will get the info out and keep you in the loop.
THANK YOU to our members who have reached out giving us that moral support, it is always welcomed and appreciated. We are eternally grateful for your continued support of our gym.
Best in Health,
Jae Fitness
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